Investor Guide
ZIA provides useful information on subjects such as Establishing Business in Zimbabwe, Investment Legislation, Cost of Doing Business in Zimbabwe, Taxes, Special Economic Zones e.t.c. Click the link below for more information.
“Please find below some useful, practical insights for organisations looking to invest in Zimbabwe. Powered by Afriwise, Africa’s premier legal intelligence platform:”
(Please click here to see the answers):
- What form of local companies exist in Zimbabwe?
- What are the key features of each type of business structure provided for in Zimbabwe?
- What are the minimum share capital requirements for a company incorporated in Zimbabwe?
- What is the minimum number of shareholders for company incorporated in Zimbabwe?
- Are there any nationality or residency requirements relevant to shareholders of a company incorporated in Zimbabwe?
- Are foreign investment approvals required?
- What is the procedure to obtain a general investment approval?
- Is protection of foreign investment enshrined in local law?
- Is there an investment centre or “one-stop shop” facilitating investment by foreigners?
- Which transactions require exchange control approval?
- Is foreign investment disallowed or restricted in any sectors or for any particular activities?
- What real estate rights are recognised in Zimbabwe